For several years John has worked at one of the largest women's prisons in the United States. John became interested in several aspects of the criminal justice system. He was interested in the issues of, gangs, girls and women in gangs, criminal behavior, sex and human trafficking, and recidivism and re-entry.
John has educated people all over the world about human trafficking and detection of this crime and its victims inside correctional institutions. In more than a decade of experience working with this vulnerable population and after having consulted with hundreds of academics, researchers, investigators, victims, and incarcerated girls and women, John and others have identified several areas where if tackled by a prison at the time of arrival the women leaving after 3 years have much better chances at a successful re-entry upon completion of a sentence. Those areas that are common to most women in this setting include:
There are several inmate / prisoner book services. One of them I have been working with for quite some time is the Chicago Books to Women in Prison. They have a wish list they update regularly. They provide specific books to specific inmates. For years I have seen their materials in inmate lockers and on their beds so I reached out to them one day. We have a lot in common. We are on a similar mission. My goal is to get books to the library for all the women to read. Chicago Books to Women in Prison sends specific books to specific women. They are not a competitor. We have similar missions but do it in a different way. You can find them at these sites. Something I like about the Chicago Books to Women in Prison is they refer to the women as "the women we serve." The are on Facebook and Twitter and can be found by clicking on the icons below. |